Masuk Daftar

sama hala atau arah bahasa Inggris

  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal;
  • hala:    way; course; steering; feed; trend; tendency;
  • atau:    and; or; shudder; either; a.k.a.; also known as;
  • arah:    course; direction; directions; perang ward; tack;
  • ke arah yang sama:    in the same direction
  • berhasil atau gagal sama sekali:    make or break
  • sama ada ini atau itu:    either
  • hala:    way; course; steering; feed; trend; tendency; guidance; flow; direction; run
  • arah:    course; direction; directions; perang ward; tack; way; west ward; orientation (geometry); bearings; career; line; aim; steering; side; bearing; points of compass; attitude; engineer; purpose; route;
  • memiliki kontrol yang terbatas atau tidak ada sama:    have limited or no control
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal; congruous; correct; equal; equivalent; identic; identical; same; uniform; as; common; comparable; corresponding; ditto; even; fifty-fifty; like; square; tanta
  • atau:    and; or; shudder; either; a.k.a.; also known as; alias
  • sama-sama:    neck and neck; every bit; conjointly; equally; you’re welcome; collectively; accompany; jointly; together with; together; as; you're welcome
  • d'hala:    dhalaa
  • hala angin:    wind direction